Friday, 25 November 2016

Nanoblock YF-19 Macross Plus

I am afraid to anounce that in good cannon fodder fashion I had to sacrifice my VF-11C in order to create this bird, it was a dificul process but I think it is a good upgrade from my ver. 1.

Under carriage

Plus now it is fully transformable so take a look.
Still full Gerwalk is akward as anyother representation of this valk


Saturday, 19 November 2016

Nanoblock VF-11B Thunderbolt Macross Plus

I was happy with my latest VF-11C, but there is nothing like the original color.

This is the first time I have tried to replicate one of my models, definetly it would be an easier process if I documented the process and created instructions.

All and all I like the result.

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Transformable Nanoblock Valkyrie VF-11C

I have become a fan of making transformable Valks in Nanoblock, I have found that even with the limited variety of pieces Nanoblocks are really versatile. 

Gerwalk came along well for this cannon fodder.
In order to give the anime look I had to create an exchangeable cockpit shield piece in the right color.
;p my valk fleet is starting to look busy.

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Nanoblock G1 Optmus Prime

Taking a break from Macross, I did another trip down memory lane and got me some nanoblocks with wheels to use them for this project, the G1 nano Optimus prime.
While building I did not expected that the proportions where so similar to the G1 toy.

Transformation: Optimus roll out!!!